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WeirdGuy blog is Technorati 1: How he uses tags, keywords, and social media to boost his traffic

Organizational InvolvementI have been active in several professional and technology trade organizations including The Interactive Media Alliance (TIMA), where I served as a Board member, the Alias/Wavefront Users Group (producing, writing, and editing a monthly newsletter), the Adobe/Macromedia Users Group, and the Technology Associates of Georgia (TAG). In addition, I was on the Internet Committee of the NRB where I was a featured conference speaker and moderator. I have also been a contributing writer for the monthly NRB magazine and several blogs on leadership and learning.

WeirdGuy blog is Technorati  1

ContactFeel free to contact me here on the blog,-on my Facebook page,-through my LinkedIn profile,-on my Yelp page,-via my Google+ profile,-or, on Twitter, tweets away!

I am writing to you from SyberWorks, Inc., an e-Learning solutions provider based in Waltham, Massachusetts. Our staff here has written a collection of original articles with the intent of making unique and insightful contributions to the e-Learning community. They are located in our Online Media Center at -LearningResources.htm. I hope that you will find them both interesting and informative. We are frequent readers of your blog, and would love to have our content included on your site!

Finding relevant sites on this topic is sometimes hard to find. You did an excellent job covering the subject and I look forward to more posts from your site. Do you offer RSS Feeds or feedburner to get more content for our blogs?

Thanks Jarek (again) for sending me this odd information....As the readers of my blog know already my heart is not with the republican party. Is not entirely with the Dems either, but if I have to choose I would go Democrat. Why? Thousands of reasons... but here is one more, as if I need one more.From my point of view, a "Family Day" should be something where you spend a good time with your kids and where they can learn something USEFUL not something lethal. Obviously, the party that is all for the "right to bear arms", don't think this way. So....quoting: BOSTON (Reuters) - A planned Republican fundraiser in New Hampshire aims to promote gun ownership in America by letting supporters fire powerful military-style weapons -- from Uzi submachine guns to M-16 rifles.The Manchester Republican Committee is inviting party members and their families to a "Machine Gun Shoot" where, for $25, supporters can spend a day trying out automatic weapons, said organizer Jerry Thibodeau."It's a fun day. It's a family day," said Thibodeau of the August 5 event. "It's quite exciting."Really? That is your idea of a Family Day? So I guess that is what the Columbine and the Virginia tech shooters were going through...just a bad family day... If you want to read the whole story, here it is.

Como sospecharán, no considero my blog un "trabajo", pero es verdad que lleva su tiempito.... media hora, una hora o a veces me engancho mal, y son dos o tres horas por noche. Para los que no lo saben, esta semana y media sin postings se debió a que estaba de "vacaciones". No vacaciones del blog, sino de las de verdad, de visita en Baires. Visita de raje, para ver a mis viejos aunque sea un 'yatito'... una semana y un día que no alcanzaron para nada porque encima algo me cayó mal y me pase toda una noche vomitando y con fiebre, o sea, al dia siguiente era una piltrafita y todo actividad quedó cancelada hasta nuevo aviso. Me repuse de eso y zas! me resfrie, asi que una porquería todo.Y tuve la "suerte" de ver Buenos Aires nevada el dia que -supuestamente- me iba...(dicen las malas lenguas que nevó en Buenos Aires porque nosotros decidimos casarnos, si sera mala la gente che!) pero tuve la desgracia que la nieve paralizó literalemente Ezeiza, asi que mi vuelo no salio hasta el dia siguiente, por lo cual pase casi 24 horas en Ezeiza. By the way, 'taría bueno que alguien les diga que si no te van a dejar esperar en la zona de embarque (como me pasó a mi) que a menos hagan asientos mas comodos en la planta baja, no saben que linda la noche en asientos de metal!Asi que llegue un día mas tarde, me perdí el recital de The Police para el cual teniamos entradas y me agarré en el avión con una mina que decidió que la postergación de un vuelo era motivo suficiente para un ataque de nervios. Todo un viajecito!Pero aca estoy de nuevo and I am back to work. Y no hablo de mi trabajo cotidiano sino de este, este raro "trabajo" de poner por escrito aquellas cosas que se me cruzan por la capocheta, o que me aparecen en mi bandeja de entrada o que... que se yo, que aparecen.Back to "work" :) 2ff7e9595c

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